Tag Archives: 如何製作鯪魚糊

How to make fish paste for cooking?

Dace fillet :
400 g
Dried Shrimps (Soaked) :
20 g
Spring Onion (Chopped) :
2 sprigs
Water Chestnut (Chopped) :
2 pcs
Salt :
1/2 tsp
White pepper :
Water :
2 tbsp (For minced Fish)


 1. Rinse and soak dried shrimps.Dice the Fillet.


 2. Mix diced fillet and dried shrimps. Chop for about 10mins. Chop 2 sprigs of Spring Onion.

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 3.  Peeled, Rinse and Chop the Water Chestnut (2 pcs)


 4. Add “Water Chestnut”, “chopped spring onion”,”Salt (1/2 tsp)”, “white pepper (pinch)” and “water 2tbsp” to the minced dace. Stir in one direction until sticky.


 5. Slap the minced fish for about 20 times. Make it more elastic.  Fish paste is ready