Tag Archives: Turkey Gizzard recipe

Chinese Recipe : Strewed Turkey Gizzard with Supreme Soya Sauce



 Turkey Gizzard  1.5 lbs / 680g
 Ginger (pounded)  3 slices
 Light Soy Sauce  6 tbsp
 Sugar  2 tsp
 Clear Chicken Broth  1 cup
 Oil  1 tsp
 Rice Wine  1 tsp


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1.  Turkey Gizzard 1.5 lbs / 680g. Put a slice of pounded ginger to water. and bring water to boil. 

Add Turkey Gizzard and boil for one minute.  After 1 minute, dish it up.

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2.  Sauce : Mix 6 tbsp of Light Soy sauce and 2 tsp of Sugar



Add 1 cup of Clear Chicken Broth and the Sauce to the pot

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3.  Add the Turkey Gizzard. Add water to cover the Turkey Gizzard.

Add 2 slices of pounded Ginger, 1 tsp of oil and 1 tsp of Rice wine.

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 4. Bring water to boil over high heat. Then turn heat to slow and strew for 1 hour.

After 1 hour, slice the Turkey Gizzard and dish it up.
