Tag Archives: letscookchinesefood

[Hong Kong Recipe] Chinese Sausage and Taro Rice (6 bowls of rice)

[Hong Kong Recipe] Stir-fried Sour Pickled Green Mustard with Pork and Gluten | Wow!🙀 Tasty! 😻

[Hong Kong Recipe] Tomato with Potato, Soy bean sprouts & Pork Soup | Wow!🙀 Tasty! 😻

[Hong Kong Recipe] Deep Fried Stuffed Fish | Traditional


[Hong Kong Recipe] Stir-fry Silver Pin Noodles with Pork, Mushroom, Egg and Mung bean sprouts

[Hong Kong Recipe] Steamed Grass Carp Belly

[Hong Kong Recipe] Fabulous Fried Fish ~ Bombay Duck ~

[Hong Kong Recipe] Turnip Cake with Preserved Meat | Dim Sum

[Hong Kong Recipe] Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomato | Family Dishes


[Hong Kong Recipe] Steamed Pork with Dried Salted Fish | Family Dishes

[Hong Kong Recipe] Pan-Fried Lemongrass Pork Jowl

[Hong Kong Recipe] Baked Tapioca Pudding with Taro Paste |Sago Pudding

[Hong Kong Recipe] Rice Dumplings |AMAZING !!!

[Hong Kong Recipe] : Thai Lemongrass Chicken Wings

[Hong Kong Recipe] Plum Wine, Plum Soda, Pineapple Wine [Refreshing]

Hong Kong Recipe : Supreme Steamed Pork Patty

Hong Kong Recipe : Stir-Fried Bitter Melon with Pork in Black Bean Sauce

Hong Kong Recipe : Ham & Scallion Steamed Bun

Hong Kong recipe: Stuffed Chili & Fish Cake – 2nd edition

Cantonese Dessert Recipe : Peach Resin with Honey Locust Seed in Coconut Milk

Chinese Soup Recipe:Blotched Snakehead Fish with Carrot and Green Radish Soup(for 12 persons)

Blotched Snakehead Fish 1 whole (about 800g)
Pork (Lean Meat) 600g
Dried Tangerine peel 2 pcs
Dried Honey Dates 100g
Sweet Apricot Kernel 70g
Sea Coconut 1 whole
Carrot 1.2kg
Green Radish 600g


  1. Dried Tangerine peel : 2 pcs, Soak it to soft, remove the white layer


2. Dried Honey Dates :100g, Sweet Apricot Kernel : 70g, rinse it.


3. Sea Coconut:1 whole,rinse and slice it

4. Carrot : 1.2kg, Green Radish : 600g, Peel Green Radish and Carrot.  cut them into pieces


5. Add water into a slower cooker : about 20 cups. Add Sweet Apricot Kernel, Green Radish, Carrot, Sea Coconut and Dried Tangerine peel .  Bring water to boil.


6. Pork (Lean Meat) : 600g, remove the attached fat。Cut the Port into pieces.


7. bring water to boil with the pork together, keep boiling for 3 mins. after 3 mins, rinse it. Put the pork into slow cooker


8. Blotched Snakehead Fish : 1 whole (about 800g), Cut Blotched Snakehead Fish, into halves, make two cuts on back (release the flavour to soup easier).  wash the fish, remove the fish blood


9. put the fish into boiling water, after half minute, wash the fish. remove the slime on skin.
put fish into soup bag, put the soup bag into slow cooker


10. Too full. Keep some water for later use. Refill the water when some water is evaporated. Remember to reheat the water first.
bring water to boil over high heat. then, cook over slow heat for 3 hours. (2.5 hour is possible if the Sweet Apricot Kernel become soft.)

11. after 3 hours, add salt before serve!

Traditional Preparation for a New Cast Iron Wok

 Cast Iron Wok  
 Pork Fat  about 300 g
 Chinese Chive  about 300g

  1. Wash the wok. Then, add water and bring it to boil.

2. Keep boiling for 20mins. Then, remove water.

3.  Heat the wok, then add the Pork Fat

4. add Chinese Chive after a layer of oil on wok. Pork Fat and Chinese Chive are used for removing rust.

5. after about 10 mins, remove Pork Fat and Chinese Chive.

6.  wash the wok

7. Done!

Home Cooking Recipe:Portuguese Chicken



 Potato  900g
 Carrot  400g
 Chicken  1 whole (about 1.9kg)
 Ginger  few slices
 Celery  200g
 Onion  1 piece
 Turmeric Powder  3 tbsp
 curry powder  1 tbsp
 Oil  2 tbsp
 Sugar  2 tsp
 Salt  1 tsp
 Evaporated Milk  about 400g
 Coconut Milk  about 300ml



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1.Potato:900g,peel and cut it into pieces

Then, soak it in water for a while, prevent the surface colour turn black. 

Set it aside for later use


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2.Carrot (about 400 g),peel and cut it into pieces

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3. Chicken : 1 Whole. Remove Chicken skin (if keep the skin, very oily sauce finally).

rinse it. Then, cut it into pieces.

this is kidney and liver , remove the attached fat


4.prepare few slices of Ginger

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5. Celery:about 200g,Tear old veins off the celery. cut it into lengths.

cut Onion into pieces


6. Prepare 3 tbsp of Turmeric Powder. 1 tbsp of curry powder

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7. heat 2 tbsp of oil. stir-fry Celery, Onion and Ginger. after 1 minute, add Turmeric Powder and Curry Powder. Mix it.

Add Chicken, mix it. after half minute, add 1/2 cup of water, mix it

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8. add 2 tsp of Sugar, mix it. Add Carrot.

add 1/2 cup of water, mix it.  after half minute, add 1 tsp of Salt

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9. transfer all ingredients to a pot for braising. 

don’t waste the sauce in wok, let the sauce stained on potato, then, transfer it to pot

add 3 cups of water. Bring water to boil over high heat. Then, turn the heat to slow. Braise it for half hour

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10.  after half hour, add Evaporated Milk (about 400g). add Coconut Milk (about 300ml). 

mix it well, then cover it and bring it to boil. 

Then, taste it, add more salt if necessary (1/2 tsp of salt is added here)

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11. cover it, keep it boiling for 5 mins more over slow heat. Serve!

…(some sauce will be absorbed after the heat turn off)..


Chinese Recipe:Watercress with Blotched snakehead Fish Soup(for 12 persons)



 Dried Tangerine peel  2 pcs
 Dried Honey Dates  100g
 Sweet Apricot Kernel  70g
 Ginger  1 slice
 Water   20 cups
 Dried Octopus  2pcs (about 150g)
 Watercress  1.8kg
 Blotched Snakehead Fish  1 whole, about 900g
 Pork (lean meat)  600g
 Salt  1 tsp


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1. Dried Tangerine peel : 2pcs.  Soak it to soft, remove the white layer

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2.  Dried Honey Dates :100g, rinse it

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3. Sweet Apricot Kernel : 70g, rinse it

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4. pound a thick slice of Ginger, put Dried Tangerine peel,  Dried Honey Dates, Sweet Apricot Kernel, Ginger and 20 cups of Water into slow cooker. Bring water to boil.

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5. Dried Octopus: 2pcs (about 150g).  soak it to soft (at least half hour)

remove the octopus skin

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6. Watercress:1.8kg, wash the Watercress

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7. Blotched Snakehead Fish:1whole(about 900g), remove the fish scales by knife (if any)

cut it into halves, make two cuts on back  (release the flavour to soup easier), wash the fish, remove the fish blood

set it aside after wash

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8.  Pork(Lean meat) : 600g, remove the attached fat, bring water to boil with the pork together.

keep boiling for 3 mins.  after 3 mins, transfer the pork to the slow cooker


9. add octopus to slow cooker

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10.  put the fish into boiling water, after half minute, wash the fish. remove the slime on skin

put fish into soup bag, put the soup bag into slow cooker

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11.  bring water to boil, then, put half of Watercress into boiling water (if too many Watercress, do this twice).

after 1 minute,transfer the watercress into slow cooker

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12. Too full. Keep some water for later use. Refill the water when some water is evaporated.

bring water to boil over high heat.  then, cook over slow heat for 2.5 hours


13.  after 2.5 hours, add salt before serve (1 tsp of Salt is added here)



if cook the Watercress before water is boiling, the soup will taste bitter. that’s why must bring water to boil before adding Watercress

if put many watercress into a slow cooker in the same time, the slow cooker need to spend long time to bring water to boil again. Soup taste bitter

so, use boiling water to heat Watercress separately first. Then, transfer the hot Watercress into slow cooker (water in slow cooker is boiling)

by this method, slow cooker can bring water to boil again in short time. no bitter taste.



Chinese Recipe : Braised Mutton in Fermented Tofu


 Mutton (chopped into bite-sized)

 1.8 kg

 Green Garlic

 3 sprigs


 100 g


 150 g

 Water chestnut

 200 g

 Dried Tangerine peel

 2 pcs

 Tsaoko amomum

 about 5 g

 Fermented Tofu / Fermented Bean curd / Preserved Bean curd

 10 cubes

 Rock sugar

 15 g

 Rice Wine

 1 tsp


 6 tbsp






1. Sugarcane 150g, cut it into strips


2.  Tsaoko amomum : about 5g, pound it.

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3. Green Garlic : 3 sprigs. pound it and cut it into sections

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4. peeled  Water Chestnut : 200g

cut Water Chestnut into halves

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5. Dried Tangerine peel : 2pcs.  Soak it to soft,remove the white layer.

cut Dried Tangerine peel into strips

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6. Rock Sugar : 15g.  Preserved Bean curd : 10 cubes

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7. Ginger 100g,peel and slice it.  Put Ginger into boiling water and cook for 10 mins

after 10 mins, dish it up and set aside

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8. Mutton : 1.8kg, put it into boiling water for 2 mins (for removing the frozen taste)

after 2 mins, rinse the Mutton. dish it up and drain after rinse

(Skip this step if this is fresh Mutton)


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9. heat 6 tbsp of Oil over high heat, add Ginger. Add Green Garlic.

add Preserved Bean curd, saute it

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10. add the Mutton, mix it.  Add Water Chestnut, Dried Tangerine peel, Rock Sugar.

add 1 tsp of Rice Wine, mix it.

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11. put Sugarcane and Tsaoko amomum to the pot. Then, transfer the sauted ingredients to the pot

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12.  Add some water to wok, mix it with the sauce attached to wok. Then pour this to the pot.

add water until it cover the ingredients

bring water to boil over high heat. Then, simmer for 1 hour over slow heat. After 1 hour, try the mutton. if the mutton is not soft enough, simmer for half hour more and try it again. repeat this step until it soft


13. add 1/2 tsp of Salt when the Mutton almost soft enough.

(Finally, 2.5 hours is needed for this Mutton)




。。cooking time depend on a variety of Mutton,longer time is needed if this is an old goat。。

。。if this is an old Goat,over 2 hours is needed. If this is a young goat,1.5 hour is enough。。

。。Many Chinese restaurant would like to add “Soya Stick” in this dish.  Soya Stick will absorb most of the taste and fat from mutton sauce and become very tasty. But the side effect is degrading the mutton taste. That is why no “Soya Stick” in this recipe。。

Chinese Recipe : Stewed Lotus Root with Dry Bamboo Shoot and Pork


Lotus Root (crispy)  1.5 kg
Dried Bamboo Shoot  4 pcs
Pork Belly with skin  600 g
Green Garlic 3 sprigs  3 sprigs
Fermented Taro Curd  2 cubes
Sugar  1 tsp
Salt  1 tsp
Oil  3 tbsp

-Preparation for Dried Bamboo Shoot-

Duration : 3 days. Aim to remove most of the smell.

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1. Day 1 morning:soak Dried Bamboo Shoot (4 pcs)  in water for whole day

Day 1 night,change water

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2. Day 2 morning, wash the Dried Bamboo Shoot. cut it into strips. change water, soak it.

Day 2 night, change water

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3. Day 3 morning, wash the Dried Bamboo Shoot. 

Bring water to boil. Cook Bamboo Shoot in boiling water for 30 mins.

take it out after 30mins.rinse the Bamboo shoot

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4. cook the Bamboo shoot with water again. Bring water to boil. Then, cook it for 30 mins again.

after 30mins, rinse the Bamboo Shoot, dish it up and drain

-Preparation procedure of Dried Bamboo Shoot is done-

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5. Pork Belly with skin : 600g, cut it into pieces after rinse

。。。(for stewing, choose the pork with skin)。。。


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 6. Green Garlic 3 sprigs, cut it into sections

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 7.  Lotus Root (crispy):1.5kg, peel it

remove both ends of each segments. wash it, cut it into pieces

。。(How can I buy a crispy Lotus Root? Choose light weight and fresh Lotus Root.

This is a fresh Lotus Root,choose it with Shining surface. If some rust color on surface or not a shining surface, don’t buy it. Taste bad if it is not fresh)。。

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 8. heat 3 tbsp of Oil over medium heat. add and saute 2 cubes of Fermented Taro Curd. Add and saute Green Garlic.

Add and saute the Pork Belly, turn heat to high. After half minute, add 1 tsp of Sugar


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9. after half minute, add Lotus Root, mix it. After half minute, add Bamboo Shoot, mix it

transfer all to a pot

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10.  Add some water to wok, mix it with the sauce attached to wok. Then pour this to the pot.

add water until almost cover the ingredients

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12. bring water to boil over high heat. Then, simmer for 1 hour over slow heat. After 1 hour, add 1 tsp of Salt, mix it

cover it, simmer for half hour, after half hour, serve!


Chinese Soup recipe : Winter Melon with dried Bonito and Pork soup


Winter Melon 1200 g 
Pork (lean meat) 150 g
dried Bonito 1piece (about 40g)
Ginger 1slice 
Water 12 cups
Oil 1/2 tsp

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1. Winter Melon : 1.2kg, remove melon skin. remove the core, cut it into pieces


2.Pound  a slice of Ginger

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3.  Pork (lean meat) 150g. Transfer pork into water. Bring water to boil for 1 minute.

rinse the pork after 1 minute. Dish it up and set aside

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2. 1 piece of dried Bonito. (about 40g). Rinse it. Let it absorb the water. Then, press it out. Repeat this for few times

Tear it into pieces


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3. add 12 cups of water, Winter melon, dried Bonito, Pork and Ginger. add 1/2 tsp of Oil.

Bring water to boil over high heat. Then, turn heat to slow and boil for 1 hour. 

after 1 hour, add salt for seasoning




Chinese Recipe : Braised Bean Curd with Pork



 Bean Curd (for pan-fry)  3pcs (about 600g)
 Chinese Celery  about 60g
 Chinese Mushroom  30g
 Bamboo Shoots  1.2kg
 Pork  150g
 Garlic  1 clove
 Corn Starch  1 tsp
 – Ingredients for Sauce –  
 Oyster Sauce  1 tbsp
 Dark Soy Sauce  1/2 tbsp
 Water  1/2 cup
 – Seasoning for Pork –  
 Oil  1/2 tbsp
 Sugar  1/2 tsp
 Corn Starch  1 tsp
 Light Soy Sauce  1/2 tbsp


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1. Bean Curd (for pan-fry) : 3 pcs (about 600g).  Cut it into big pieces. 

Soak the Bean Curd in salted water for 30 mins. (will result in a better crust ). After 30 mins, drain

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2. Chinese Celery,remove the leaf. Cut it into sections, about 60g

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3.Chinese mushroom : 30g. Rinse it. Soak it to soft.

cut the Chinese Mushroom into halves

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4. Bamboo Shoots : 1.2kg,peel it

remove the outer layer

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5. Put the Bamboo Shoots into water, add 1 tsp of Salt. Bring water to boil. Then, switch heat to slow. Cook it for 30mins. After 30mins, dish it up and soak it in water.

Slice it after it comes to room temperature

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6. Pork : 150g, slice it.

Seasoning:add 1/2 tbsp of oil, 1/2 tsp of Sugar, 1 tsp of Corn Starch, 1/2 tbsp of Light Soy Sauce, mix it

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7. heat 2 tbsp of oil over medium heat. Pan-fry the Bean curd to brown colour by non-stick pan. Add some oil when necessary.

Dish it up when the colour of Bean Curd is changed to brown


8. Prepare the sauce:1 tbsp of Oyster Sauce, 1/2 tbsp of Dark Soy Sauce, 1/2 cup of water, mix it

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8. heat 1 tbsp of oil, saute a pounded Garlic, add and stir-fry the pork,

when the pork colour is changed, add 1/3 cup of water, after half minute, dish it up and set aside

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9. add the sauce to the hot wok, add Chinese mushroom and Bamboo Shoots,

add 2 cup of waters, cover it, bring sauce to boil

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10. add the Bean Curd and Pork,

Cover it again and cook for 6 mins.



11.mix 1 tsp of Corn Starch with 1 tbsp of water

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12. after 6 mins,add the Chinese Celery. Mix it Gently. after half minute, stir and add the corn starch water.

stir until the sauce thicken, Serve!



Chinese Recipe : Sweet and Sour Fried Sparerib



 Sparerib  600g
 Salt  1/2 tsp
 Sugar  1/2 tsp
 Egg White  1/2 egg
 Water  1 tbsp
 Plain Flour  70 g
 Onion  1 piece
 Belt Pepper  2 pcs
 Pine-apple  300g
 Salt  1/4 tsp
 Hot Water  1/3 cup
 -Ingredient of Sour Sauce-  
 Lemon Juice  150ml
 Slab Sugar  2pcs/about 200g
 Water  70ml
 Onion  1 piece
 Oil  1 tbsp


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1. prepare Lemon Juice 150ml

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2. Slab Sugar : 2pcs / about 200g, cut it into small pieces


3. add 70 ml of water, add 150ml of Lemon Juice, mix it

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3. Onion : 1piece, cut it into strips. Add 1 tbsp of Oil, saute Onion over medium heat

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4. after 1 minute, add the sour sauce, after 2 mins, remove the onion,

cook until the sauce thicken, dish it up

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5. Sparerib:600g, add 1/2 tsp of Salt, 1/2 tsp of Sugar, mix it. add 1/2 egg white, mix it.

Because of too dry, add 1 tbsp of water, mix it

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6. add about 70 g of plain flour, mix it

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7. heat the oil. Then, deep-fry the spareribs over medium heat, dish it up when the spareribs colour is changed to golden brown

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8. Bell Pepper2pcs. Rinse, remove the core, cut it into pieces

Onion 1 piece, cut it into pieces




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10. heat 1 tbsp of Oil over medium heat, saute the Onion. Then, add the Bell Pepper,  1/4 tsp of Salt, mix it

after half minute, add 1/3 cup of hot Water, mix it.

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11. after 1 minute, add the Spareribs, add about 3 tbsp of Sour Sauce, mix it.

add Pineapple, mix it. After 1 minute, Serve!


Chinese recipe : Stir-fried Seafood and Pork with Cashew


 Water Chestnut  about 7 pcs
 Salted & Dried Radish  50g
 Pork(Pork Jowl is used here)  300g
 Garlic  1 clove
 Celery  about 200g
 Bell Pepper  2pcs
 Onion  half piece
 Cashew  150g
 Shrimp  150g


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1. Water Chestnut : about 7 pcs, peel and rinse. Dice the Water Chestnut

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2. Salted & Dried Radish : 50g,dice it

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3. Pork(Pork Jowl is used here),about 300g, remove the fat

Dice the pork

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4. Pound a Garlic

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5. Celeryabout 200gTear old veins off the celery, cut it into lengths.

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6. Bell Pepper2pcs. Rinse, remove the core, cut it into pieces

Onion 1/2 piece, cut it into pieces

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7. Cashew:150g, heat the oil. deep fry the Cashew

deep fry the Cashew until the color is changed to light brown, dish it up and set aside. Cool down the Cashews. They will become crispy.

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8. Shrimp (150g), remove the head, shell and intestine.

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9. Soak the Shrimp in water with 1 tsp of Salt for 5 mins 

(for making the shrimp more crispy)

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10.  after 5 mins, wash the Shrimp. Then, drain and set it aside.

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11. heat the oil over medium heat, saute the Onion, after half minute, add the Bell Pepper, mix it.

add 1/2 tsp of Salt. Mix it. add 1/3 cup of Water during stir-frying. Then, dish it up and set aside

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12. heat 2 tbsp of Oil, Saute the Garlic, add the Pork,

after the pork colour is changed, add the Shrimp.  after half minute,add Celery, mix it

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13. add 1/2 tsp of Salt, mix it. Add Water Chestnut , Salted and dried Raddish.

after half minute, add 1 tbsp of water, add 1/2 tsp of Sugar, mix it


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14. add the Bell Pepper, remove the Bell Pepper sauce (this sauce is quite salty), add the Cashew

mix it well, Serve!


Chinese Recipe : Stewed Lotus Root with Spareribs



 Spareribs  600g
 Lotus Root  1.2kg
 Ginger  2 slices
 Garlic  4 cloves
 Oil  3 tbsp
 Light Soy Sauce  1 tbsp
 Salt  1tsp


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1. Rinse spareribs (600g), then drain

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2. Peel the Lotus Roots : 1.2kg

remove both ends, cut the Lotus Root into pieces


3. pound 2 slices of Ginger, pound 4 cloves of Garlic

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4. add 3 tbsp of Oil, Saute the Ginger and Garlic. Then add and saute Spareribs

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5. Stir-fried the spareribs for 2 minutes, add 1 tbsp of Light Soy Sauce, mix it. add the Lotus Root, mix it

add 1 tsp of Sugar, mix it. Transfer all to a pot.

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6. Add some water to wok, mix it with the sauce attached to wok. Then pour this to the pot.

add water until almost cover the ingredients

cover it, bring water to boil. Then, simmer for 1 hour

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7. after 1 hour, add 1 tsp of Salt. Mix it. Cover it and cook for 10 mins more


Chinese Recipe : Stir-fried Cucumber with Black Fungi and Pork



 Cucumber  600g
 Black Fungi  20g
 Pork(Pork collar meat)  200g
 Seasoning-for Pork  
 Oil  1 tbsp
 Sugar  1/2 tsp
 Corn Starch  1 tsp
 Light Soy Sauce  1/2 tbsp
 Ingredient-for stir-fry the Cucumber  
 Oil  1 tbsp
 Ginger  1 slice
 Garlic  1 clove
 Salt  1/2 tsp
 Water  1/2 cup
 Ingredient-for Stir-fry the Pork  
 Oil  1 tbsp
 Garlic  1 clove
 Salt  1/4 tsp
 Light Soy Sauce  1/2 tbsp
 Water  1/3 cup


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1.  Cucumber : 600 g, peel the Cucumber partialy (peel it partialy cause more crispy)

Remove both ends, cut it into halfs, remove the core


slice it after wash

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2. Black Fungi : 20g, Soak Black Fungi to soft. (about 20 mins)

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3.  after 20 mins, put Black Fungi into boiling water and boil for 5 mins,

after 5 mins, rinse the Black Fungi, if the size of Black Fungi is too large, separate it.

(..Must soak Black Fungi to soft, then boil it and wash it..)

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4. pound a slice of Ginger, pound 2 Garlic

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5. slice the Pork (Pork collar meat)200g

add 1 tbsp of Oil, 1/2 tsp of Sugar, 1 tsp of Corn starch, 1/2 tbsp of Light Soy sauce, Mix it well.

add some water if the pork is too dry. (about 1 tsp of water is added)

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6. heat 1 tbsp of Oil. Saute the Ginger,a pounded Garlic and 1/2 tsp of Salt. Add and stir-fry the Cucumber

after 1 minute, add 1/2 cup of water. Then, cover it.

after 2 mins, dish it up and set aside. (you may reduce the cooking time for more crispy)


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7.  heat 1 tbsp of Oil. Saute the pounded Garlic. Add the pork.

add 1/4 tsp of Salt after the Pork color is changed. Mix it. add 1/2 tbsp of Light Soy Sauce. Mix it

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8.  add 1/3 cup of Water, add the Black Fungi. Mix it well.

add the Cucumber without the juice, Mix it well. Then, Serve!


Chinese Recipe : Braised Fish Head with Bean Curd Stick



 Head of Big Head Fish  1 whole (about 600g)
 Chinese mushroom  30g
 Deep fried Bean Curd Stick  about 250g
 Welsh onion  1 sprig
 Ginger  10 slices
 -Seasoning for Fish head-  
 Light Soy Sauce  1tbsp
 Rice Wine  1tbsp
 Egg white  1 piece
 Plain Flour  1/2 cup
 -For deep fry the Fish head-  
 -For braising the mushroom-  
 Water  6 cups
 -Final seasoning-  
 Salt  1 tsp
 Sugar  1/2 tsp


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1. Head of Big Head Fish, 1 whole (about 600g). Cut Fish Head into pieces. Rinse the Fish Head. Then, drain.


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2. Rinse the Chinese mushroom (30gram). Cut off the stems and soak it to soft.

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3. Deep fried Bean Curd Stick : about 250g. Break Deep fried Bean Curd Stick into sections. Soak it to soft

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4. squeeze out the oil from the softed Bean Curd stick. Then, change the water. Squeeze out the oil again.

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5. add 1 tbsp of rice vinegar into water. Then, bring water to boil. Add the Bean Curd Stick and cook for 2 minutes.

After 2 mins, rinse it, squeeze out the water and sour taste

(QN: why add vinegar?)

(Ans: Vinegar is very effective in removing oil)

(If the Vinegar is not squeezed out after this process, it may cause sour. Sometimes, this is the reason for why sour taste from Dim Sum)

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6.  Welsh onion : 1 sprig. Remove the outer layer. Remove both ends.

Cut Welsh onion into sections

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7. Seasoning for Fish Head : 1 tbsp of Light Soy Sauce, 1tbsp of Rice Wine, 1 piece of Egg White, mix it well.

Then, add half cup of Plain Flour, mix it well

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8. heat the oil until you see the bubbles coming out from Chopstick. Then, 

deep fry the Fish head until the color is changed to brown. Dish it up and set aside

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9. heat 1 tbsp of oil and about 10 slices of Ginger over medium heat. Then, add and saute the Welsh Onion.

After 1 minute, dish it up and set aside

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10.  add the softed mushroom and 6 cups of water into a pot. Bring it to boil.

Then, add the Bean Curd Stick, the sauted Ginger and half of Welsh Onion. 

Bring it to boil. Then, braise it over medium heat for 30 mins.

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11. add the Fish Head and the Braised stuff. Bring it to boil over high heat. Then, add 1 tsp of Salt and 1/2 tsp of Sugar.

Cover it and cook for 5 mins. Then, add the Welsh Onion. Dish it up and serve!


Chinese Recipe : Steamed Fresh Fish with Chinese Mushroom and Pork


Live Fish (Areolate grouper is used in this video)  One Whole, about 600g
 Pork Collar meat  150g
 Chinese mushroom  30g
 Preserved Turnip   20g
 Ginger (cut it into long strips)   few slices
 Spring Onion  4 sprigs
 Coriander  2 sprigs
 Seasoning-for Pork
 Oil  1 tbsp
 Sugar  1/2 tsp
 Corn Starch  1/2 tsp
 Light Soy Sauce  1.5 tbsp

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1. Live Fish (Areolate grouper is used in this video) , One Whole, about 600g. Remove the Scale if any (Ask for cleaning when buying the fish)

Rinse the fish, wipe it to dry, set it aside for next step


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2. Rinse the Chinese mushroom (30gram). Cut off the stems and soak it to soft.

shredded Mushroom.

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3. Preserved Turnip (20 gram), rinse it and cut it into fine strips

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4. Pork Collar meat 150g, Cut it into strips


5. prepare some Ginger Strips by few sliced Ginger.

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6. add 1 tbsp of Oil, 1/2 tsp of Sugar, 1/2 tsp of Corn Starch and 1.5 tbsp of Light Soy Sauce, mix it with pork well.

Then, add Shredded Mushroom and preserved Turnip, mix it.

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7. place some Spring Onion onto Plate (prevent fish skin stick to plate). Place the fish onto the Spring Onion.

put some Ginger Strips to the core and outside of the fish.


8. place the Pork, Mushroom and Preserved Turnip onto the Fish

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9.  bring water to boil, steam the Fish over high heat for 12 mins

after 12 mins, insert a chopstick into fish. The fish is done if it can go through easily. 

(otherwise, Steam it for 1 minute more, test it again)


10. discard the chopped spring onion and Coriander on top of fish. Done!


Chinese Recipe : Fried Noodles with Shredded Pork



 Green Bean Sprouts  150 g

 Egg noodles

(E-fu noodles is chosen this time)

 150 g
 Pork  250 g
 Leek Sprout / Yellow Chives  50 g
 Egg  2 pcs
 Seasoning for Pork  
 Oil  1/2 tbsp
 Sugar  1/2 tsp
 Corn Starch  1/2 tbsp
 Light Soy Sauce  1 tbsp
 Water  a little bit (if too dry during mixing)
 For stir-fry the Green Bean Sprouts  
 Oil  1tbsp
 Garlic  1clove
 Salt  1/2 tsp
 For boiling the noodle  
 Water  For boiling the noodle
 Salt  about 1 tsp
 For Stir-fry the Pork  
 Oil  1tbsp
 Garlic  1 clove


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1. Rinse Green Bean Sprouts : 150g,  

Egg noodles 150g (E-fu noodles is chosen this time)

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2. Shredded Pork 250g. Add  1/2 tbsp of Oil, 1/2 tsp of Sugar, 1/2 tbsp of Corn-starch, 1 tbsp of Light Soy Sauce to the shredded pork. Mix them well. (add some water if too dry during mixing)

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3. Rinse Leek Sprout (about 50g). Then, cut it into sections.

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4. heat 1 tbsp of oil, a pounded Garlic and 1/2 tsp of Salt over medium heat. 

add and stir-fry the Green Bean Sprouts for about 1 minute. Then, dish it up and set aside.

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5. Bring water to boil with about 1 tsp of Salt. Then, cook the Egg Noodles until soft. Dish it up and drain the noodle

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6. Beat two eggs, heat 2 tbsp of oil over medium heat, pan-fry the egg

after half minute, turn it over, after half minute again, dish it up and set aside

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7. Then, pan-fry the noodle. Loosen it. Add about 2 tbsp of oil surrounding. (Oil makes noodle crispy)

after half minute, turn the noodle over, add 1 tbsp of oil surrounding

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8. after half minute, turn it over again. Repeat this step until the surface of noodle crispy. Then, dish it up.

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9. cut the egg into strips


10.  mix 1/3 cup of water and 1/2 tsp of Corn starch

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11. heat 1 tbsp of oil and saute a pounded Garlic over medium heat. Stir-fry the pork until the pork colour is changed. Then, add 1 tbsp of Light soy sauce. Mix it well.

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12. Add Leek Sprout. Add the Corn Starch water (Mix the corn starch water again just before adding to the pork)

(If the sauce too thick, add 1/2 cup of water to thin the sauce)

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