Tag Archives: 栗子

Chinese Soup Recipe: Pork Spareribs Soup with Chestnuts and Mushrooms



 Chestnut  400 g
 Spareribs  600 g
 Chinese Mushroom  150 g
 Ginger (pounded)  1 slice
 Salt  little


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1. Rinse Chinese Mushrooms (150g), Soak it to soft.  Cut off the stems

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2.  Bring water to boil, soak the Chestnuts(400g) in boiling water for 10 mins

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3.  Pork Spareribs (600g). Bring water to boil, boil the spareribs for half minute. Rinse the Spareribs. Dish it up and set aside.

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4.  after 10 mins, peel off Chestnuts shell. Then, soak it in water, prevent it’s color turn black.

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5.  Put a pounded Ginger, Mushroom, Spareribs and Chestnuts to the pot.  Add water (totally, about 10 cups of water in the pot)

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6.  Bring water to boil over high heat. Then, simmer for 2 hours. In the meantime, re-fill water.


7.  season it with salt before serve!