Tag Archives: 蘆荀西椒炒蝦仁

Chinese Recipe : Stir-fried Asparagus with Shrimp and Pork



 Bell peppers  3 pcs
 Shrimp  300g
 Asparagus  300g
 Pork Collar meat  150g
-Seasoning for Pork-  
 Oil  1 tbsp
 Sugar  1/2 tsp
 Corn Starch  1/2 tbsp
 Light Soy Sauce  1 tbsp
 -Seasoning for Stir-fry Asparagus -  
 Ginger (pounded)  1 slice
 Oil  1 tbsp
 Salt  1/2 tsp
 Water  1/2 cup
 -Seasoning for Stir-fry the rest of ingredients-  
 Oil  2 tbsp
 Garlic (pounded)  2 pcs
 Salt  1/2 tsp
 Rice Wine  1 tsp
 Water  1/3 cup
 Light Soy Sauce  


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1. Rinse 3 bell peppers. Cut the bell peppers into pieces

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2.  Shrimp (300g), remove the head, shell and intestine.

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3. Soak the Shrimp in water with 1 tsp of Salt for 5 mins. 

(for making the shrimp more crispy)

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4.  after 5 mins, wash the Shrimp. Then, drain the shrimp, set it aside.

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5.  Peel 300g of Asparagus. Cut it into sections.

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6.  Slice 150g of Pork Collar meat. Add 1 tbsp of oil, 1/2 tsp of Sugar, 1/2 tbsp of Corn starch and 1 tbsp of Light Soy Sauce. Mix it well.

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7. Heat 1 tbsp of oil , a pounded Ginger and 1/2 tsp of Salt.  Add and stir-fry Asparagus

after half minute, add 1/2 cup of water. Then, cover it.

after 1 minute, dish it up and set it aside

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8.  Heat 2 tbsp of oil and 2 pounded Garlic.Then, add and stir-fry the sliced Pork for half minute.

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9. Add Shrimp and 1/2 tsp of Salt. Mix it well.

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10.  add 1 tsp of Rice Wine, mix it well.  Then, add Bell Pepper, mix it well.

add 1/3 cup of water, mix it well. After tasting, add some Light Soy Sauce if necessary

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11.  add Asparagus without the Asparagus juice. (The Asparagus juice may cause too salty)

Dish it up after mix it well.
